I've had this page open all night and everytime I go to type something, it never seems satisfactory but then I thought about it and there's really so much someone can say at a time like this. You are one of my most favourite people ever. You were always wanting to learn new things ie. how to be 'gangsta', or checking out the latest music all the youngin's were listening to. You always wanted to be a part of everything and show that you were actually interested in what was being said in the room. You had us laughing for hours everytime you came in. Only YOU could find a 'blobfish' attractive. I, with the help of Andy, sent you to many different links in which you would either come back totally disgusted or quite amused but laughing no matter what. Suggesting you for Mod and modding with you was probably my best experience in the room. The memories will last forever, as will your ever so positive spirit. May you look down on us and smile from time to time during your journey. Forever loved, never forgotten. Rest In Peace, Angel.